my mind instantly went back to year eight leadership camp.
I have a memory of stepping out the flying fox,three quarters the way in and i am struggling , with the course getting hairier and hairier as i closed in on the final turn.the pizza resistance.all i have to do is round the pole,un hook the carabina , re-attach to the rope attached to the flying fox and let go...
i totally freeze...can't do it.
my friends are all below , saying 'let go let go" its can do it.
nope.i can't.absolutely packing myself. can't let go.
I try to move the carabina,my hands are shacking.i know, its just from there to there,
then step around the pole..grab hold and fly.......
obviously, i eventually did it.but I'm pretty sure that was the first time i realised my fear of as we drove to the swinging bridge i have to admit,i was a little nervous.and 14 again.
you see ,the bridge was built in the 1920's.Supposedly it was illegally built by a developer to sell the land in the area.
The river Torrens was used for swimming clubs since the 1912's.
The most popular club was formed in 1915 in a swimming hole known as 'Macks" at the end of Seven street where the swing bridge now spans the Torrens.This was home to the Gilberton swimming club for over 50 years.There are stories of members using horses,ropes and hooks to dredge the reeds to create a wider and more usable swimming hole.
The swimming club had 1000 members .they even held an Australian swimming titles here.
But for now,its just 14 year old me and the husband crossing the swing bridge...
The walk in was really pretty.A dirt trail that heads in beside some houses and wraps around the river.Busy with families.Kids riding their bikes and walking their dogs.
Sour sobs..John told a story involving these pretty flowers and canola oil...i didn't believe him.I'm sure he made it up |
The wattle inAdelaide is in full bloom.It is beautiful,especially combined with this gorgeous succulent.
and back to the bridge...
of course the husband went first.being the adventurer that he is..and as I was a few steps in he couldn't help but make the bridge lunge by putting alittle extra bounce in his step. clearly,he was also feeling and behaving like a 14 year old boy..
Nevertheless,I made it over to the other side.
And back again.Result?
It was okay.No cold sweats.No frozen moments.It was actually pretty easy.All boyish immature bouncing aside....
And Johns thoughts......"pretty lame,it was totally safe."
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