Wednesday, 23 May 2012

china town.

The first time Johnny and I came to Adelaide together he promised to take me to one of his fave eating spots.
9 years later it is still exactly the same and is now my fave to.
Seriously ,I don't know ANYWHERE you can get two ,consistently, fantastic meals in under 10 minutes for $17.My mouth is watering as I type.Dirty Phil ,this is how its done.

.Johnny orders the Chicken curry.every time.only I didn't have time to take a photo.gone in 60 seconds.seriously,the man knows the drill.
And the joint is packed.If you take any longer than 10 minutes to eat it,they are asking questions..people stand around waiting for a table.
washed down with a coconut milk tea with lychee jelly.

always alittle colour and action in china town.
some sort of Chinese flavoured bun roll thing.only johnny can eat as much of these as he does and not break the scales.there apparently great.i believe you.
 Next alley is The Central Markets.These photos do not do this place any justice at all.It is a hive of activity Wednesday Friday and Saturdays.You can buy the most AMAZING produce.It is like a day at the ekka for me.I'm sure I'll calm down soon and stop running around like an overactive child every time we go there.We have nothing like this at home on the coast or even Brissy for that matter.
 Shazlicks=Kebabs    .Devon=Luncheon          Bung Fritz=Adelaide's own delicacy

 YES!!! this massive slice of D'affinois is only $3.99.and it is with truffles!!!!thats a $15 slice right there in Qld people.!
 Same again,and again and again.Come to ours for a cheese platter.We promise there will be no Coon.

And the aisles go on and on.You can get almost anything here.For foodies,this is the "indoor shopping heaven market of the lets get fat and enjoy Adelaide winter ".

And I haven't even mentioned the wine/olive region yet.
oh dear.

1 comment:

  1. wow kool pic cant wait to be there with you
